Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Greatest Problem No one Has Heard About

The Greatest Problem No one has heard about
This is about a chapter from the book You are Here
The human body relies greatly on water. We can survive less then two days without water. And now, water is, in many countries, growing scarce. Thomas Kostigen brings it home by saying, “ A child dies from lack of clean water every 12 seconds.” We will need more fresh water if we are going to survive, and you can’t just make fresh water. “This leaves just one other option,” Kostigen continues, “we have to mind what we have. Each of us over the course of a year uses about 20000 gallons of water. We waste 10% of it by letting the taps run, the drips amount, and the leaks continue.” Isn’t that just terrible! We are lying in bed listening to the sink drip while children over in Africa are dying because they don’t have the water that we are letting run down the drain!! In the future, if we don’t do something about this problem, wars will be raged and maybe more people will die in the fight for water than those that die because they do not have it. We in the U.S.A. are so used to having water sitting there in our faucet that we do not think about what might happen if it is not there!!! But there are steps to be taken, and things to be thought about. You can do something!!!!
Here are some examples that Kostigen suggests:
Turn off the water when you brush your teeth

Run full loads in the dishwasher instead of hand washing the dishes and don’t rinse your dishes before you put them in

Take showers instead of baths

If you live in dry country, replace your plants outdoors with desert plants that need less water

Flush only when necessary, forgetting one flush every 24 hours could save 5000 gallons per year

Use a gas-station car wash instead of a bucket-and-soap one
(saves about 100 gallons per wash)

Eat less meat, it takes so much more water to make meat than veggies and fruit!

These things can really make a big difference!!


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