Friday, September 3, 2010

English Firsts

So far in this blog, I have talked about firsts in math, (my first test,)  firsts in history, ( I read about these,) and  my first really "good feeling"  which took place during my  latin time.  It seems that I have hardly talked about my study of  English at all, let alone "first".  Well, today is the day,  my friends.  Language gets to go "first."

 Today I started writing a journal.  It's not a " Dear Diary" one of those.  (I have a seperate notebook for that.) It is just like writing this blog.   I am just writing it on a computer, and I write about what I learned in English and what I am thinking about what I read in history and what excercises I did in Latin and WHEN  WILL I GET MY SCIENCE BOOK!!.  It is fun to get to choose all the different colors and fonts to use for each entry and to write in whatever size I want.  And all this is in English!  Whoever knew Language Arts could be so fun!

Writing an entry takes about five minutes, so the rest of the time is spent studying a lesson or reviewing my vocab. words.  Whoah!!!!  There's another thing to write about!
There is this cool website. You just google flashcards online and then click on the one that says
"Flashcards! The world's largest online library of printable flashcards!"  It's usually towards the top. You can make flashcards online and print them or just study them online. It is such a good way to study. And that's how I studying my English Vocab.

              Wow! Two firsts in one subject in one day!  Maybe I should make a sign that says,
                             " ONE FIRST PER SUBJECT PER DAY!"
like they do at restraunts with coupons. So there English!!!!! No more complaining that you're never mentioned!!!

                                                                End of Note
September 2, 2010

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