Thursday, September 30, 2010

It Is

Many people deny that global warming is there. But It is. Some may choose to ignore it, or admit that it is, but then throw up their hands and exclaim how big the planet is, and how small we are, and we can't make a difference, and that it is already to late to do anything about it, and so we might as well go on with our business,  while we can, that is. Now, I don't see any reason to believe that our cause is hopeless, for while it certainly isit is not to late to do something. Just recently, I started a book, by name, You are Here.  It is by Thomas M. Kostigen.  It is  about our effect on the Earth, (for we certainly do have an effect on our planet.) The book began by showing us what is happening in Jerusalem. The author visited there and saw the many relics and ruins of what originally united Christians, Jews, and Muslims, in other words, why it is famous. Christians find this city important to there religion and to their culture,  for there in Jerusalem is where Jesus Christ is said to have been crucified. The Jews find the city appealing for much the same reasons. The Muslims pilgrimage there. All in all, it is a very important city. But now, because of weather, wind, and all the wear, with no considerable care, plus the toxic air, memorable monuments are falling down. That was the first chapter, and i can't wait to read more.

End of Note

The Cold Bites

In this season of fall, it is getting cooler. The wind blows, and in some time there might even be snow. You know how in the winter, when you go outside, the cold nips your toes and you wish you had a scarf around your neck. That is the way a conscience is. It nips and bothers us about wrong. When we lie, we feel it, or when we choose to ignore something that is quite important. It often seems like a little voice inside our head. When we need to make a decision, or a choice. When we disobey our mother. It's there inside us,  and we know what would be the right choice. But the sad thing is that, hardly ever do we make the right choice. More often than not, we ignore that little voice, and think about what we want, perhaps telling ourselves that we made the right choice or that we can make up for it later. That is like putting on more clothes, defending us from the cold. Only, in the winter that is a good thing. Too much cold can result in getting sick, (or getting frozen.) We do more and more bad things, and soon, it doesn't bother us any more. God gave us our conscience so that we would be able to tell the difference between right and wrong. So, we are held fully accountable for our actions. That, at least is what J. I. Packer says, in his book, Concise Theology, ( in my own words of course.)

I've been reading a book called The Black Arrow. It is by Robert Louis Stevenson. Many people would consider it a "boy" book, but I am enjoying very much. In it, the main character discovers what can happen when you do rash things, or decide on the spur of the moment. Some things you can never take back, or make up for. 

 Here is another example. Global warming. IT IS!!!! You can't ignore it. It has shown what can happen when we don't take care of the Earth. We can't take back what we've done.  It is done. It has happened. Even if we do solve the problem, lasting damage has been done. I am also reading a book called    You are Here.
It talks about the problem of Global warming, and where it hurts most. Wouldn't it be great if we could just move to the moon, and not have to worry about the world any more!!!
   So watch what you say. Your conscience is usually right. God made it to be that way.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Introducing.... A NEW SUBJECT!!!!

Some of you will probrably never have heard of ths subject, and even if you have, it usually would not be taught in schools. It's name is...

To begin the study of theology, i am reading a book called, Concise Theology, by J. I. Packer. The author is a christian writer, so he is writing from a Christain standpoint. He is also writing about Christain theology.  He is very famous for anothe book he wrote,called, Knowing God. 
   The book i am reading was meant for adults, but he wrote it so it is very easy for me to read. That is the way i want to be able to write in English. So that i can adress all audiences, no matter what age. The purpose of his book is partly to inform us about Christian theology. In the first chapter he focuses on how God informs us about himself and reveals the way to heaven. That, i geuss, is like Expository writing, that i am working on in English.  In history, i am reading about some of the prophets that wrote some of the Bible.  The reason that the kings did'nt like them much,( and so chased them down and tried to kill them,) was that they prophesied against the bad kings, and warned them against whatever God had told them to warn against. Especially about going to war against othe nations. (Which the kings did any way, and then lost great battles. You can read more about it in 1st and 2nd Kings in the Bible.) The prophets also prophesied about the coming of Jesus, who would be the one and only way of salvation and to Heaven. The passage of scripture that i am currently memorizing, ( 1st Peter 1: 3-16,) says, " Concerning this salvation, the prophets who prophesied about the grace that was to be yours searched and inquired carefully, inquiring what person or time the spirit of Christ in them was indicating when he predicted the sufferings of Christ and the subsequent glories.  It was revealed to them that they were not serving themselves, but you, in the things that have now been announced to you by the Holy Spirit, sent from heaven, things into which angels long to look."

End of Note


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Expository Paragraphs= to inform

In English today, I worked on a lesson on Expository writing. Expository writing is meant to inform your audience of something. I wrote a paragraph about my three favorite places, because that was one of the suggested topics. My three favorite places are my room, the library and the mountains. Only,I forgot about the library and I put my backyard instead. But I did have fun in that time. I like writing and I can't wait to find out about another kind of writing.

Monday, September 20, 2010

The Fine Arts of Homeschooling

One of the reasons i decided to try homeschooling was that, while i was working on my own schedule, i could pursue my love of music. i play the piano, and although i am not a professional, i do enjoy it immensely and want to continue doing so. Now, because of my flexible schedule, i am able to do more than an hour's practice each day. i am able to work harder, and because i have no homework in the evenings, i can practice a little then. The subject of music, then, is taken care of.
   Then, there is Art. i never really enjoyed Art in school. Not long into my first year at the school, our art teacher became sick, and never really came back. Thence afterwards, most art classes were cancelled until a substitute came along. Even after that, we made things like cards or just drew pictures in Art classes. Often we watched movies. In my second year, the substitute was still there. But in my latest and last, (for now at least) year at school, our homeroom teachers were the heads of our art studies. Not that there was much studying in it. My teacher usually had us make a cool craft, or write a poem and then decorate it.  i remember one or two art classes where we imitated a famous painter's style or colors, but that was it. However, art did get fun in that year. Now i am struggling to find an art project that will be fun, challenging, and yet connect somehow to stuff i am learning. Any ideas? i'd love them!!!

End of Note

Friday, September 17, 2010

Long time - no see (AKA; History)

i have not written in a long time. i have been having a busy week. i like it that way, but i do want to write in this blog sometimes!!! i have been reading a lot of history. i have been reading a lot about all the ancient countries and their wars. They fight a lot!!! Right now in the book, Babylon is at the top of the world. Assyria is not far behind. I am reading about King Solomon and his son's time. After them there were quite a lot of bad kings!!! You can read more about in the Bible,  in the book of 1st Kings. i like reading about those kings from a different perspective than i usually read from. That is all for today. Let's hope those Isrealites win the war and aren't taken into exile!!!-(which they will be.)

                                                       End of Note

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Lately, I have been reading a lot in my big, more grownup, (you know the definition,) history book. I hope to finish it by the middle of October. I have been reading a lot about Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece, and the  Ancient Minoans and Ancient Crete and Ancient Assyria and Ancient Bablylon. I have also been reading a lot about all the wars and alliances and treachory they had. They made a lot of alliances by just sending there daughter down to different countries. The smaller countries did this a lot.

Well, that is all for today!!
Emma . .

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The First Last

Today, Tuesday, September 7th, marks two things.

1. The day after Labor Day. (How was your weekend?)
2. This is the day I finish my first history book.

You might call that 2nd event a "last." I finished the last page of my  smaller, less grownup, more interesting history book, which is a pity for all of the reasons hereafter: it is smaller, less grownup, and more interesting.  Moreover, my mother has found a book that I "simply must " read which is none of the reasons above. Strictly speaking, it is not small, it is not, not grownup, and it doesn't look too interesting.

That is my first last.

Goodbye smaller, less grownup, more interesting history book. AKA: A Child's History Of the World!!!!!!

End of Note
September 7th, 2010

Friday, September 3, 2010

English Firsts

So far in this blog, I have talked about firsts in math, (my first test,)  firsts in history, ( I read about these,) and  my first really "good feeling"  which took place during my  latin time.  It seems that I have hardly talked about my study of  English at all, let alone "first".  Well, today is the day,  my friends.  Language gets to go "first."

 Today I started writing a journal.  It's not a " Dear Diary" one of those.  (I have a seperate notebook for that.) It is just like writing this blog.   I am just writing it on a computer, and I write about what I learned in English and what I am thinking about what I read in history and what excercises I did in Latin and WHEN  WILL I GET MY SCIENCE BOOK!!.  It is fun to get to choose all the different colors and fonts to use for each entry and to write in whatever size I want.  And all this is in English!  Whoever knew Language Arts could be so fun!

Writing an entry takes about five minutes, so the rest of the time is spent studying a lesson or reviewing my vocab. words.  Whoah!!!!  There's another thing to write about!
There is this cool website. You just google flashcards online and then click on the one that says
"Flashcards! The world's largest online library of printable flashcards!"  It's usually towards the top. You can make flashcards online and print them or just study them online. It is such a good way to study. And that's how I studying my English Vocab.

              Wow! Two firsts in one subject in one day!  Maybe I should make a sign that says,
                             " ONE FIRST PER SUBJECT PER DAY!"
like they do at restraunts with coupons. So there English!!!!! No more complaining that you're never mentioned!!!

                                                                End of Note
September 2, 2010

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Christain by Name Only?

Just this afternoon, I have been reading about,( in my smaller, less grownup, more interesting book, A.K.A. A Child's History Of the World,) how  Prodestants became Prodestants, or rather protest-ants, and how they broke away from the  Catholic church.  What both sides did seems so un-christain like, I wonder if they actually believed in what they were fighting for.  Then, all the kings and Queens! Bloody Mary, Philip the II, even Queen Elizabeth who is supposed to have been a pretty good  queen even though she was a women, had  her cousin killed because she was a Catholic. Were these people really christains, or were they just  trying to make themselves look good? Is it possible they killed all these people out of sheer spite?

                                                      End of note
                                                       September 2, 2010